Every Plant Has Its Story

I chanced to find the Shui Mei materials, where seller grown them from seeds. Plants are about 2 to 5 years old, mostly shaped in straight upright or S-shape, but too tall that seem out of proportion. I decided to pick 2 years old twin-trunks plants for 3 reasons:
1. It is cheaper.
2. Most important, plant is younger that allow me to reshape.
3. Natural twin-trunk style material by just trim to require height.
I have either cut-off or air-layer the top portion of the trunks so that the plants look more natural. An obvious cut-off point at both trunks can still observed on plant in the picture. The plant continue to grow in the plastic pot for many months before I repotted to one shown in the picture.
The yellow Zi Sha pot was actually a saucer to flower pot, where I found at the roadside bazaar one week before the Chinese New Year. It was my 2nd visit to the stall so I noticed it was a complete set before, but now left with the saucer. I asked the stall owner to give me saucer for free since I bought few things from him.
I found the clay-man figures at a shop selling at $5 each, but noticed particular one without a basket (broken off). I bargained for it for $2, since it look perfect even without a basket.
The whole set up costed less than $5; it depicts a man resting under a tree.